What Is A P1 Visa

What Is A P1 Visa


What Is A P1 Visa

Athletes and entertainers that want to enter the United States to entertain or participate in sports need a P1 Visa. Foreign individual athletes or teams that are internationally recognized for high athletic achievement are eligible for the P1A Visa. Similarly, entertainers that have achieved high international recognition receive a P1B Visa. Support staff for these recognized athletes or entertainers can also use the P1 Visa to enter the country. An experienced immigration lawyer can guide you through the P1 Visa application process. 

What are the requirements?

You can only get a P1 Visa if you are: 

  • An internationally recognized athlete or athletic team that wants to participate or compete in an event
  • A member of an outstanding entertainment group that is foreign based and that has received international recognition. You must have been a member of the group for at least a year before you applied
  • Invited to participate in a sport or entertainment occasion that will take place in the United States

What Is A P1 VisaAt some stage of the P1 Visa process, an entertainment group may be required to provide evidence that they are actually recognized all over the world. Evidence can include a nomination for international awards or prizes for outstanding achievement in the field and so on. For athletes, evidence can be in the form of a written statement from a recognized expert in the sport, international ranking of the team and more.  Your lawyer can show you the types of documents that you can present as evidence in this process. 

P1 Visa Benefits

These are the benefits that come with a P1 Visa:

  • You can work in the US legally and even make promotional appearances
  • Your immediate family members and you can live legally in the US.  Immediate family members include your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21.Your immediate family members receive a P4 Visa
  • Your children will be able to attend public school in the USA from Pre-K to University without having to get Student Visas
  • You as the P1 Visa holder are eligible for a US Driver’s License and Social Security Number

Details About The P1 Visa

The following are additional details you must know about the P1 Visa: 

  • You are only allowed to stay in the US for the Duration of the planned competition or competition.  It should not last longer than 5 years
  • You can get an additional 5 years extension for your P1 Visa if you are an individual athlete. Entertainment groups and team athletes only get 1 year extensions
  • It is possible to go from a P1 Visa to a Green Card through an adjustment of status process
  • Support personnel cannot change status from a P1 Visa to Green Card
  • You are allowed to travel within and outside of the US without restrictions while the Visa is valid
  • You can have multiple sponsors, employers and revenue sources as long as the petition is presented by an agent
  • You must prove to the USCIS that you maintain a foreign residence to which you intend to return if you are a P1 holder

You may also be interested in…

  1. The H2B Visa Requirements
  2. Learn About TN Visas
  3. The P3 Visa Requirements